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Surrogate motherhood

Surrogacy in Georgia

Why it is worth conducting a surrogacy in Georgia

if You have the citizenship of any country

You can be a resident of any country

if you Are officially married

You can use 1 donor material

if you are a single woman

You have your own oocytes and donor material

Donor programs

Programs with donor material are allowed
подбор сурмамы в Белорусии

Selection of surrogates

In Georgia, surrogacy and programs to ensure it are fully regulated at the legislative level. 

In order to take care of the child's health, we have collected a large database of surrogate candidates. It includes only women who have been tested by us, who fully meet the requirements not only in terms of physical, but also in terms of psychological criteria. 

We carefully select surrogates who will become truly reliable partners, and ensure that the women are examined, have passed laboratory and instrumental diagnostics and psychological testing. In addition, future surrogates are informed about the rules of participation in the program and possible risks. 

An important caveat: Georgian legislation explicitly states that a surrogate mother does not have rights to a child born to her from biological parents.

обследование сурмамы


The main requirements for surrogate candidates are specified in the relevant legislative acts. 

  • the age of the candidates is regulated: from 20 to 35 years old, as the most favorable for participation in reproductive technologies;
  • mental stability;
  • absence of bad habits, and in general — observance of a healthy lifestyle;
  • also, a surrogate mother should have her own child born as a result of a normal pregnancy. 

Before the embryo transfer procedure, the surrogate mother undergoes a full medical examination, the results of which conclude that she can participate in the program.

Surrogacy: indications for the procedure

In Georgia, as in the vast majority of other countries, participation in the program is shown to families or single women if a woman cannot bear and give birth to a child for medical reasons.

They include: 

  • the absence of the uterus and other major reproductive organs, as well as their deformities, excluding fetal gestation;
  • pathological changes in the endometrium, which led to the inability to fix the embryo in the uterus, if treatment is impossible or has not yielded positive results;
  • repeated spontaneous miscarriages, lack of positive results with three or more IVF protocols;
  • systemic diseases and injuries that exclude the normal course of pregnancy. Such as severe forms of heart or kidney failure, decompensated diabetes, severe damage to the spine and pelvic bones.

Given the list of indications, the participation of biological parents in the surrogacy program in Georgia is almost their only chance for happy parenthood.

Learn more about the surrogacy program

  • Selection and provision of surrogates
  • 1 IVF attempt
  • Surrogate's fee
  • Monthly payments to a surrogate
  • One-time payment for clothes
  • Pregnancy management in a women's clinic
  • Paid delivery program
  • Medicines, vitamins
  • Receptions of doctors and specialists
  • Laboratory tests
  • Surrogate mother's transportation expenses
  • Living expenses of a surrogate mother
  • Surrogate mother's supervisor 24/7
  • Selection and provision of surrogate mothers
  • 2 IVF attempts
  • Surrogate's fee
  • Monthly payments to a surrogate mother
  • One - time payment for clothes
  • Paid delivery program
  • Medicines, vitamins
  • Receptions of doctors and specialists
  • Laboratory tests
  • Surrogate mother's transportation expenses
  • Living expenses of a surrogate mother
  • Surrogate mother's supervisor 24/7
  • Surrogate consultations and testing at the stage of entry into the program by a perinatal psychologist
  • Legal support for all participants in the process


Frequently asked questions about patient support

Yana, Samara: Is it possible to become a surrogate mother after cesarean section in Georgia?

As a rule, a woman who gave birth to a child by cesarean section, as a rule, cannot become a surrogate mother. No surrogacy agency will take the risk of accepting such a woman into the program. This is due to the need for a woman's full health. Caesarean section also leads to the formation of a suture on the uterus, which will negatively affect the course of pregnancy.

But under certain conditions, for example, after several years, the doctor can take such an amount into the program. In this case, everything is quite individual.

Anna, Minsk: Can biological parents require a surrogate mother to fulfill any individual conditions?

No, they can't. The conditions that must be fulfilled by a surrogate are standard and are described in a legal contract, which is drawn up at the very beginning. The staff of the surrogacy agency guarantees that all these conditions are mandatory, but do not contradict ethical and moral standards.

But! In agreement with the surrogate mother, biological parents can, for example, pay for the surrogate to attend some courses, such as drawing and the like, or visit a psychologist to work out certain points if the surrogate needs it.

Tatiana, Orel: Can a surrogate mother have sex while carrying a child?

After the tests and tests are passed, sexual contact should be excluded in order to completely protect the woman from the risk of sexually transmitted infections. In addition, sexual contact in some cases poses a threat to gestation, since uterine contractions can lead to miscarriage.

Olga, Moscow: Can parents give up a child?

This situation is unlikely. For example, modern medical development and careful medical supervision minimize the risks of having a child with pathologies. But if such a situation does arise, our state will take care of the child: he will be transferred to the Baby's House. The surrogate mother is not legally responsible for the child after childbirth.

Olga, Khotkovo: Does a single woman have the right to participate in the program as a biological parent?

Yes, she does, if she has medical indications for this. The only limitation is the mandatory presence of the genetic material of the expectant mother (the embryo does not have to be completely donated).

Do you need a detailed consultation?

We will provide you with comprehensive advice on all available methods of solving your problem and the process of organizing a surrogacy program in Georgia. Contact us in any convenient way.