surrogate motherhood
Surrogacy in Kyrgyzstan
Why it is worth conducting a surrogacy in Kyrgyzstan
if You have the citizenship of any country
if you are officially married
if you are a single woman
Donor programs

Selection of surrogates
Qualified specialists conduct a strict selection of candidates for surrogacy in order to be sure that they are physically and emotionally ready to take responsibility for carrying a biological parent's child.
We get to know each candidate personally. We provide information about the surrogacy program, doctors, clinics, and coordinate all points of the contract. All negotiations at the medical center are conducted by highly qualified specialists with extensive experience in this area.
The program in Kyrgyzstan includes organizational, medical and legal procedures, including an agreement between biological parents and a surrogate mother.

Indications for the surrogacy procedure

Conception occurs from both biological parents, or only from one of them. Then the second one can be a donor.
To participate in the surrogacy program, you need to have strong medical evidence:
- Underdevelopment or complete absence of the uterus, both congenital and acquired due to injuries, diseases, operations;
- Pathology of the endometrium that is not amenable to therapeutic and surgical treatment;
- Obstruction of the cervical canal, or its significant deformation;
- Multiple (at least three) IVF attempts that did not lead to a positive result;
- Medical contraindications to pregnancy are serious systemic diseases and pathologies.
Learn more about the surrogacy program
- Selection and provision of surrogates
- 1 IVF attempt
- Surrogate's fee
- Monthly payments to a surrogate
- One-time payment for clothes
- Pregnancy management in a women's clinic
- Paid delivery program
- Medicines, vitamins
- Receptions of doctors and specialists
- Laboratory tests
- Surrogate mother's transportation expenses
- Living expenses of a surrogate mother
- Surrogate mother's supervisor 24/7
- Selection and provision of surrogates
- 2 IVF attempts
- Surrogate's fee
- Monthly payments to a surrogate
- One - time payment for clothes
- Paid delivery program
- Medicines, vitamins
- Receptions of doctors and specialists
- Laboratory tests
- Surrogate mother's transportation expenses
- Living expenses of a surrogate mother
- Surrogate mother's supervisor 24/7
- Surrogate consultations and testing at the stage of entry into the program by a perinatal psychologist
- Legal support for all participants in the process
Frequently asked questions about patient support
The main program includes:
- compensation for all vital expenses - accommodation, meals, one-time payments for clothes:
- postpartum remuneration;
- pregnancy management on a paid basis with compensation of medicines, vitamins;
- a certain amount is allocated for the services of a curator for a surrogate mother.
We have our own large database of surrogate mothers, the selection of which we approach with full responsibility. Worthy candidates are distinguished by good health, both physical and psychoemotional.
They not only meet medical requirements, but also understand perfectly well what responsibility is assigned to them.
This can only happen in two cases:
- transfer of two embryos at once;
- division of the embryo into 2, this happens for example after PGD
Since currently many married couples do not have the opportunity to have a child for medical reasons, the demand is quite high, and candidates immediately go to the program without a long wait.
PGD is a preimplantation genetic diagnosis. Most often, it is necessary for adult donors or spouses to identify genetic abnormalities in the embryo at the initial stage.