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reproductive cell donor bank

Our company cooperates not only with cryobanks, but also with a large number of clinics around the world, which allows us to implement the most complex requests for the selection of oocytes and sperm. You will be able to use the largest database of reproductive cells in the world. Our catalog presents a huge selection of sperm and egg donors.

What you should know about donation

Infertility problems often require the search for an oocyte (egg) donor with maximum safety and reliability and high chances of a successful pregnancy.

Clinics and patients themselves turn to special cryopreservation facilities — oocyte banks, where, under strict conditions of their safety, hundreds of healthy oocytes taken from donors are located. You just have to choose those that fully satisfy the requirements.

Oocyte donors: who are they?

A woman of reproductive age (18-34 years old) can become a donor if she wants to help infertile couples by participating in a donation program. A woman should be healthy, not have bad habits and excess weight, it is desirable that she has healthy children of her own. The donor is examined by a therapist, gynecologist and is interviewed by a psychologist. After that, she signs a voluntary informed consent, and her eggs, as well as embryos obtained using oocytes, are transferred to patients on condition of complete anonymity.

Why do we need oocytes from a donor?

In various diseases of the reproductive, endocrine system of a woman and other chronic pathological processes, the maturation of her own germ cells is disrupted. The only way to conceive and give birth to a child is to use donor eggs.

The oocyte donor bank allows couples with a diagnosed female infertility factor to conceive a child using IVF.

Modern banks of reproductive material make it possible to select the most suitable eggs so that the child will as much as possible resemble the expectant mother.

There are many selection criteria:

  • external signs (eye color, hair color and hair style);
  • age and physique;
  • blood counts (group and Rh factor);
  • even the sizes of clothes and shoes. This way you can ensure that the child will look as much like mom and dad as possible.

Cryopreservation and oocyte banks

Statistics indicate that pregnancy is achieved faster and easier with frozen oocytes than with the direct participation of a donor in the natural cycle. The oocyte donor bank uses the vitrification method, which allows freezing of eggs for an almost unlimited period. At the same time, their viability after defrosting is completely preserved.

What are the advantages of frozen donor oocytes

Donation itself is a complex procedure that requires undergoing a course of superovulation stimulation to obtain not one egg, but several.

After getting them, the cells are cryopreserved, which has a number of advantages in comparison with simultaneous fertilization and embryo transfer into the uterus.

Today, there are many oocyte donor banks in which donor eggs are ready for use. And the expectant mother has the opportunity to choose. Therefore, most women seeking to overcome infertility prefer to use the services of an oocyte bank.

Saving time

There is no need to wait until the selected donor has passed all examinations and training. In the bank of oocyte donors, eggs can be obtained at any time; there is no need to synchronize the cycles of the expectant mother and the donor.

Saving money

Eggs from a cryopreservation are cheaper than a standard IVF procedure with a donor. Cryoprotocol also excludes unforeseen situations, for example, when an oocyte donor refuses to participate in the program at the last moment.

Requirements for sperm donors

Cryobanks of reproductive material store not only oocytes, but also the seminal fluid of donors. Frozen sperm is no worse in its quality than usual, and its shelf life is practically unlimited. After proper defrosting, it retains its reproductive properties.

Sperm donation will help to give birth to a child to a family in case of male infertility or to a single woman,  not having a sexual partner.

High requirements for donors (good physical and mental health, absence of bad habits) are set out in the order of the Ministry of Health, which also regulates the work of the sperm donor bank. Potential donors must undergo a medical and genetic examination and have normal sperm counts.

However, in addition to the criteria specified in the order, most clinics and reproductive cell banks have additional requirements. For example, having their own children, a high level of education and social status. As a result, only 1 out of 10 candidat will be able to become a sperm donor.

The positive effect of cold: what are the advantages of cryopreservation of sperm

Spermatozoa tolerate cryopreservation better than other cell types

This is due to the fluidity of the cell membrane due to the large amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids. Such a membrane is difficult to damage by cold; they contain only 50% liquid, less than in other cells.

The best cells are used

However, after a cycle of freezing and thawing, some cells still die and become unsuitable for fertilization. Thus, only the strongest spermatozoa are used, that is why pregnancy occurs in most cases.


Frequently asked questions about reproductive cell donation

How high is the percentage of successful pregnancies with donor material?

The percentage is very high, since we select donors with good genetics and all biomaterial is tested multiple times, starting from donor preparation and ending with preparation for freezing.

Is PGD performed on embryos using donor material?

As a rule, doctors try not to "disturb" the embryos unnecessarily. In most cases, the biomaterial is tested and taken from young donors under 35 years old, which in most cases excludes serious diseases. But the patient has the right to decide whether to do PGD or not.

Is it possible to use the services of an oocyte donor in a natural cycle?

Yes, of course. We will find a donor and together with your doctor we will go through the entire cycle of obtaining the material "from start to finish".

Do you have a large donor base?

We cooperate with a very large number of clinics around the world that have frozen cells, as well as with a large number of cryobanks. This database is constantly updated, which allows us to select the donor you need.

How long should I wait for "unfrozen" donor material?

It all depends on your wishes. But as a rule it does not take more than 30 days.

How can I transport oocytes to another country?

We are engaged in the transportation of biomaterial, you only need to indicate where to pick up and where to deliver the material.


We will provide you with a full consultation on possible solutions to your problem and the process of organizing the program. Contact us in any convenient way.